# Redmine Wiki Notes Plugin ## Plugin installation 1. Copy the plugin directory into the vendor/plugins directory 2. Update your gems 3. Restart Redmine ## Usage The following macros are added: - note - tip - important - warning Which can be used in three ways: ~~~ {{note(Note with *wiki formatting*)}} {{note Alternately, you can put blocks of *wiki-formatted* text here. }} {{note(Or if you really want) You can do both... }} {{tip This is a tip }} {{warning Be carefull with : * razors * knifes * fire }} {{important This is important message. Heed my words. }} ~~~ ![Screenshot](screenshot.png?raw=true "Screenshot") ## Credits The icons and the stylesheet were taken from the DokuWiki Note-Plugin (© Olivier Cortès and others, https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:note (GPLv2)). For the contributors, please see the git commit log. ## License This plugin is released under the GPLv2.