require 'test_helper' require "mechanize" require "nokogiri" class AssetsAccessibilityTest < Minitest::Test include WebserverHelper def test_rss_feeds on_home_page do |page, doc| feeds ="//head/link[@type='application/rss+xml']") # Il y a au moins 1 flux RSS assert feeds.size >= 1, "Expected to find an RSS feed" feeds.each do |feed| url = feed["href"] assert_status_ok agent.get(url), "for #{url}" end end end def test_head_stylelsheets on_home_page do |page, doc| stylesheets ="//head/link[@rel='stylesheet']") # Il y a au moins 1 CSS "application" assert stylesheets.any? { |stylesheet| path = URI.parse(stylesheet["href"]).path %r(\A/assets/application-\w+\.css\Z) =~ path }, "Expected to find the application CSS" # Tous les CSS sont accessibles et correctement configurés stylesheets.each do |stylesheet| url = stylesheet["href"] if internal_url?(url) assert_cachable_asset agent.get(url), "for #{url}" end end end end def test_head_scripts on_home_page do |page, doc| scripts ="//head/script[@src]") # Il y a au moins 1 JS "application" assert scripts.any? { |script| path = URI.parse(script["src"]).path %r|\A/assets/application-\w+\.js\Z| =~ path }, "Expected to find the application JS" # Tous les scripts externes sont accessibles scripts.each do |script| url = script["src"] if internal_url?(url) assert_cachable_asset agent.get(url), "for #{url}" end end end end def test_images on_home_page do |page, doc|"body img").each do |image| url = image["src"] if internal_url?(url) assert_cachable_asset agent.get(url), "for #{url}" end end end end def test_https_src on_home_page do |page, doc|"[src]").each do |element| assert_scheme "https", element["src"], "on page #{page.uri}" end end end def test_cors on_home_page do |page, doc| stylesheets ="//head/link[@rel='stylesheet']") # On récupère la feuille de style qui contient les appels aux polices web vendor_stylesheet = stylesheets.detect { |stylesheet| path = URI.parse(stylesheet["href"]).path %r(\A/assets/vendor_bootstrap-\w+\.css\Z) =~ path } refute_nil vendor_stylesheet, "Expected to find a \"vendor_bootstrap\" CSS file" # On extrait toutes les URL de polices web css_url = vendor_stylesheet["href"] pattern = /url\((?:"|')?([^\)"']+)(?:"|')?\)/ font_urls = agent.get(css_url).body.scan(pattern).flatten refute font_urls.empty?, "Expected to find webfonts in #{css_url}" # On vérifie que les en-têtes sont présents origin = "" font_urls.each do |font_url| page = agent.get(font_url, [], nil, { "Origin" => origin }) actual = header(page, "access-control-allow-origin") assert_equal origin, actual, "Expected CORS header to match the request origin for #{font_url}" end end end end