require "minitest/autorun" require "minitest/reporters" Minitest::Reporters.use! module SSLHelper def check_ssl_cert_cmd(domain:, rootcert: nil, openssl: openssl_path(:system), issuer: nil, warning: 45, critical: 15, cn: nil, ocsp: true, host_cn: true) # check_ssl_cert is a Nagios plugin, usable outside of Nagios # cf. args = [] args.push("--host", domain) args.push("--rootcert", rootcert) if rootcert args.push("--openssl", openssl) if openssl args.push("--issuer", issuer) if issuer args.push("--warning", warning) if warning args.push("--critical", critical) if critical args.push("--cn", cn) if cn args.push("--ocsp") if ocsp args.push("--host-cn") if host_cn "vendor/check_ssl_cert/check_ssl_cert #{args.join(" ")}" end def analyze_cmd(domain:, level: "intermediate", openssl: openssl_path(:system)) # Cipherscan helps audit SSL configuration # cf. args = [ "-o", openssl, "-l", level, "-t", domain ] "vendor/cipherscan/ #{args.join(' ')}" end def openssl_verify_cmd(domain, options = "") args = [ "-CAfile", "#{root_certificate}", "-connect", "#{domain}:443", options, "2>&1", ] "echo QUIT | #{openssl_path} s_client #{args.join(' ')}" end def openssl_path(variant = :system) case variant when :local "vendor/cipherscan/openssl-darwin64" else `which openssl`.chop end end def root_certificate "test/certs/AddTrust_External_CA_Root.pem" end end module WebserverHelper def message_with_context(message, context = nil) if context.nil? || context.empty? message else message + " #{context}" end end def webserver_env webserver_env = ENV['WEBSERVER_ENV'] webserver_env = "production" if webserver_env.nil? || webserver_env.empty? if %w(production staging development).include?(webserver_env) webserver_env else fail ArgumentError, "Environnement #{webserver_env} invalide" end end def domain case webserver_env when "production" "" when "staging" "" when "development" "" else fail ArgumentError, "Domaine indéterminé" end end def base_url "https://#{domain}" end def internal_url?(url) URI(url).host[/\Z/] end def agent @agent ||= end def page_and_doc(url) page = agent.get(url) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(page.body) if block_given? yield(page, doc) else [page, doc] end end def on_page(path = "/", &block) uri = URI.join(base_url, path) page, doc = page_and_doc(uri) yield(page, doc) end def on_home_page(&block) on_page("/", &block) end def on_pages(pages = [], &block) pages.each do |page| on_page(page, &block) end end # Custom assertions def assert_scheme(scheme, url, context = nil) uri = URI.parse(url) assert_equal scheme, uri.scheme, message_with_context("Expected scheme to be '#{scheme}' for '#{url}'", context) end def assert_cachable_asset(page, context = nil) assert_status_ok page, context assert_max_age "315360000", page, context assert_public page, context assert_has_etag page, context assert_has_last_modified page, context end # def assert_hsts(page, context = nil) # assert_status_ok page, context # assert_hsts_max_age "315360000", page, context # assert_public page, context # refute_hsts_include_subdomains page, context # end def assert_has_header(header, page, context = nil) assert page.response.key?(header), message_with_context("Expected to find '#{header}' header".freeze, context) end def assert_has_hsts(page, context = nil) assert_includes page.response.keys, "strict-transport-security", message_with_context("Expected to find an Strict-Transport-Security header", context) end def assert_hsts_max_age(expected, page, context = nil) assert_equal expected, hsts_max_age(page), message_with_context("Expected Strict-Transport-Security 'max-age' directive to be #{expected}", context) end def assert_hsts_include_subdomains(page, context = nil) refute hsts_include_subdomains?(page), message_with_context("Expected not to find Strict-Transport-Security 'includeSubdomains' directive", context) end def assert_has_etag(page, context = nil) assert_includes page.response.keys, "etag", message_with_context("Expected to find an ETag header", context) end def refute_has_etag(page, context = nil) refute_includes page.response.keys, "etag", message_with_context("Expected not to find an ETag header", context) end def assert_has_last_modified(page, context = nil) assert_includes page.response.keys, "last-modified", message_with_context("Expected to find a Last-Modified header", context) end def assert_max_age(expected, page, context = nil) assert_equal expected, cache_max_age(page), message_with_context("Expected Cache-Control 'max-age' directive to be #{expected}", context) end def assert_must_revalidate(page, context = nil) assert cache_must_revalidate?(page), message_with_context("Expected Cache-Control 'must-revalidate' directive to be found", context) end def refute_must_revalidate(page, context = nil) refute cache_must_revalidate?(page), message_with_context("Expected Cache-Control 'must-revalidate' directive not to be found", context) end def assert_private(page, context = nil) assert cache_private?(page), message_with_context("Expected Cache-Control directive to be private", context) end def assert_public(page, context = nil) assert cache_public?(page), message_with_context("Expected Cache-Control directive to be public", context) end def assert_status_ok(page, context = nil) assert_code("200", page, context) end def assert_status_not_modified(page, context = nil) assert_code("304", page, context) end def assert_code(expected_code, page_or_code, context = nil) actual_code = page_or_code.respond_to?(:code) ? page_or_code.code : page_or_code assert_equal expected_code, actual_code, message_with_context("Expected HTTP status code to be #{expected_code}", context) end def assert_has_x_cache(page, context = nil) assert_includes page.response.keys, "x-cache", message_with_context("Expected to find an X-Cache header", context) end def assert_x_cache_hit(page, context = nil) assert_equal "HIT", x_cache_header(page), message_with_context("Expected X-Cache header to be be HIT", context) end def assert_x_cache_miss(page, context = nil) assert_equal "MISS", x_cache_header(page), message_with_context("Expected X-Cache header to be be MISS", context) end # Helper methods def header(page, key) page.response[key] end def status_header(page) header(page, "status".freeze) end def hsts_header(page) header(page, "strict-transport-security".freeze) end def hsts_directives(page) hsts_header(page).downcase.split(',').map(&:strip) end def hsts_include_subdomains?(page) cache_control_directives(page).include?("includeSubdomains".freeze) end def hsts_max_age(page) pattern = /\Amax-age\s?=\s?(\d+)\Z/ if found = hsts_directives(page).detect("") { |v| pattern =~ v } found[pattern, 1] end end def etag_header(page) header(page, "etag".freeze) end def last_modified_header(page) header(page, "last-modified".freeze) end def cache_control_header(page) header(page, "cache-control".freeze) end def x_cache_header(page) header(page, "x-cache".freeze) end def cache_private?(page) cache_control_directives(page).include?("private") end def cache_public?(page) cache_control_directives(page).include?("public") end def cache_no_cache?(page) cache_control_header(page).downcase.strip == "no-cache" end def cache_must_revalidate?(page) cache_control_directives(page).include?("must-revalidate") end def cache_has_max_age?(page) cache_control_directives(page).any? { |v| v[/\Amax-age=\d\Z/] } end def cache_control_directives(page) cache_control_header(page).downcase.split(',').map(&:strip) end def cache_max_age(page) pattern = /\Amax-age\s?=\s?(\d+)\Z/ if found = cache_control_directives(page).detect("") { |v| pattern =~ v } found[pattern, 1] end end end