require 'test_helper' require 'mechanize' class SecurityTest < Minitest::Test include WebserverHelper include SSLHelper def domain "".freeze end def test_certificate_level level = "intermediate" command = analyze_cmd(domain: domain, level: level) output = `#{command}` assert_match %r|has intermediate ssl/tls\nand complies with the '#{level}' level|, output, "Expected to comply with #{level} level :\n#{output.inspect}" refute_match %r|consider enabling OCSP Stapling|, output, 'Expected to have OCSP stapling enabled' end def test_certificate options = { domain: "", issuer: %Q("Let's Encrypt Authority X3"), cn: "", } command = check_ssl_cert_cmd(options) output = `#{command}` assert_match(/\ASSL_CERT OK/, output, output) end def test_accepts_tls_v1 command = openssl_verify_cmd(domain, "-tls1") output = `#{command}` assert_match(/Verify return code: 0 \(ok\)/, output, "Expected to accept TLSv1") end def test_refuse_ssl_v3 command = openssl_verify_cmd(domain, "-ssl3") output = `#{command}` assert_match(/sslv3 alert handshake failure/, output, "Expected to refuse SSLv3") end def test_hsts_header agent = { |a| a.follow_redirect = true } url = "https://#{domain}/" page = agent.get(url) context = "for #{url}" assert_status_ok page, context assert_has_hsts page, context assert_hsts_max_age "315360000", page, context refute_hsts_include_subdomains page, context end end