/* * vrrp_options.c * * Copyright (C) 2014 Arnaud Andre * * This file is part of uvrrpd. * * uvrrpd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * uvrrpd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with uvrrpd. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "vrrp.h" #include "vrrp_net.h" #include "vrrp_options.h" #include "common.h" #include "log.h" /* from uvrrpd.c */ extern int background; extern char *loglevel; extern char *pidfile_name; /** * vrrp_usage() */ static void vrrp_usage(void) { fprintf(stdout, "Usage: uvrrpd -v vrid -i ifname [OPTIONS] VIP1 [… VIPn]\n\n" "Mandatory options:\n" " -v, --vrid vrid Virtual router identifier\n" " -i, --interface iface Interface\n" " VIP Virtual IP(s), 1 to 255 VIPs\n\n" "Optional arguments:\n" " -p, --priority prio Priority of VRRP Instance, (0-255, default 100)\n" " -t, --time delay Time interval between advertisements\n" " Seconds in VRRPv2 (default 1s),\n" " Centiseconds in VRRPv3 (default 100cs)\n" " -P, --preempt on|off Switch preempt (default on)\n" " -r, --rfc version Specify protocol 'version'\n" " 2 (VRRPv2, RFC3768) by default,\n" " 3 (VRRPv3, RFC5798)\n" " -6, --ipv6 IPv6 support, (only in VRRPv3)\n" " -a, --auth pass Simple text password (only in VRRPv2)\n" " -f, --foreground Execute uvrrpd in foreground\n" " -s, --script Path of hook script (default /etc/uvrrpd/uvrrpd-switch.sh)\n" " -F --pidfile name Create pid file 'name'\n" " Default /var/run/uvrrp_${vrid}.pid\n" " -d, --debug\n" " -h, --help\n"); } /** * vrrp_options() - Parse command line options */ int vrrp_options(struct vrrp *vrrp, struct vrrp_net *vnet, int argc, char *argv[]) { int optc, err; unsigned long opt; /* strtoul */ static struct option const opts[] = { {"vrid", required_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"interface", required_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"priority", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"time", required_argument, 0, 't'}, {"preempt", required_argument, 0, 'P'}, {"rfc", required_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"ipv6", no_argument, 0, '6'}, {"auth", required_argument, 0, 'a'}, {"foreground", no_argument, 0, 'f'}, {"script", required_argument, 0, 's'}, {"pidfile", required_argument, 0, 'F'}, {"debug", no_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; while ((optc = getopt_long(argc, argv, "v:i:p:t:P:r:6a:fs:F:dh", opts, NULL)) != EOF) { switch (optc) { /* vrid */ case 'v': err = mystrtoul(&opt, optarg, VRID_MAX); if (err == -ERANGE || (err == 0 && opt == 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "1 < vrid < 255\n"); vrrp_usage(); return err; } if (err == -EINVAL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing \"%s\" as a number\n", optarg); vrrp_usage(); return err; } vrrp->vrid = vnet->vrid = (uint8_t) opt; break; /* interface */ case 'i': vnet->vif.ifname = strndup(optarg, IFNAMSIZ); if (vnet->vif.ifname == NULL) { perror("strndup"); return -1; } break; /* priority */ case 'p': err = mystrtoul(&opt, optarg, VRRP_PRIO_MAX); if (err == -ERANGE) { fprintf(stderr, "0 < priority < 255\n"); vrrp_usage(); return -1; } if (err == -EINVAL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing \"%s\" as a number\n", optarg); vrrp_usage(); return err; } vrrp->priority = (uint8_t) opt; break; /* delay */ case 't': err = mystrtoul(&opt, optarg, ADVINT_MAX); if (err == -ERANGE) { vrrp_usage(); return -1; } if (err == -EINVAL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing \"%s\" as a number\n", optarg); vrrp_usage(); return err; } vrrp->adv_int = (uint16_t) opt; break; /* preempt mode */ case 'P': if (matches(optarg, "on")) vrrp->preempt = TRUE; else if (matches(optarg, "off")) vrrp->preempt = FALSE; else { fprintf(stderr, "preempt mode 'on' or 'off', by default 'on'\n"); vrrp_usage(); return -1; } break; /* RFC - version */ case 'r': err = mystrtoul(&opt, optarg, RFC5798); if (err == -ERANGE || (err == 0 && opt < RFC3768)) { fprintf(stderr, "Version 2 or 3 : %s\n", optarg); vrrp_usage(); return -1; } if (err == -EINVAL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing \"%s\" as a number\n", optarg); vrrp_usage(); return err; } vrrp->version = (uint8_t) opt; break; /* IPv6 */ case '6': /* Force RFC5798/VRRPv3 */ vrrp->version = RFC5798; vnet->family = AF_INET6; break; /* auth */ case 'a': /* only SIMPLE password supported */ if (strlen(optarg) > VRRP_AUTH_PASS_LEN) { fprintf(stderr, "Password too long (8 char max)\n"); vrrp_usage(); return -1; } vrrp->auth_data = strndup(optarg, VRRP_AUTH_PASS_LEN); vrrp->auth_type = SIMPLE; /* hide passwd from ps */ strncpy(optarg, "********", strlen(optarg)); break; /* foreground */ case 'f': background = 0; break; /* script */ case 's': vrrp->scriptname = strndup(optarg, VRRP_SCRIPT_MAX); if (vrrp->scriptname == NULL) { perror("strndup"); return -1; } break; /* pidfile */ case 'F': pidfile_name = strndup(optarg, NAME_MAX + PATH_MAX); break; /* debug */ case 'd': loglevel = strndup("debug", 6); break; /* help */ case 'h': default: vrrp_usage(); return -1; break; } } /* Fetch virtual IP addresses */ if (optind == argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Specify at least one virtual IP addr !\n"); vrrp_usage(); return -1; } /* Number of IP addresses */ vrrp->naddr = vnet->naddr = argc - optind; /* Register vrrp_vip addresses */ while (optind != argc) { if (vrrp_net_vip_set(vnet, argv[optind]) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid IP\n"); vrrp_usage(); return -1; } ++optind; } /* minimal configuration */ if (vrrp->vrid == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Specify VRRP id\n"); vrrp_usage(); return -1; } if (vnet->vif.ifname == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Specify VRRP interface\n"); vrrp_usage(); return -1; } /* default adv int */ if ((vrrp->version == RFC3768) && (vrrp->adv_int == 0)) vrrp->adv_int = 1; else if ((vrrp->version == RFC5798) && (vrrp->adv_int == 0)) vrrp->adv_int = 100; /* Get IP addresse from interface name */ return vrrp_net_vif_getaddr(vnet); }