(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* whitelister : a Whitelister Policy Daemon for Postfix *) (* ~~~~~~~~~~~ *) (* *) (* Copyright (C) 2005 AAEGE.org *) (* Author : Pierre Habouzit *) (* ____________________________________________________________________ *) (* *) (* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *) (* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. *) (* *) (* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU General Public License for more details. *) (* *) (* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *) (* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *) (* Foundation, Inc., *) (* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* types *) type config = { mutable pidf: string; mutable sock: Unix.sockaddr; mutable user: string; mutable group: string; mutable verb: int; mutable rbl: string list; mutable rhbl_client: string list; mutable rhbl_rcpt: string list; mutable rhbl_sender: string list; mutable rhbl_helo: string list; mutable dns_client: bool; mutable dns_rev_client: bool; } (* Checker *) let log msg = let lg = Syslog.openlog ~facility:`LOG_MAIL ~flags:[`LOG_PID] "whitelister" in Syslog.syslog lg `LOG_INFO msg; Syslog.closelog lg let log_event level answer pcy = log (Policy.log_format level answer pcy) let checker cfg s = let oc = Unix.out_channel_of_descr s in try while true do let pcy = Policy.read (Unix.in_channel_of_descr s) in let ans = ( try Rules.check_rbl cfg.rbl pcy; Rules.check_rhbl Rules.Helo cfg.rhbl_helo pcy; Rules.check_rhbl Rules.Sender cfg.rhbl_sender pcy; Rules.check_rhbl Rules.Rcpt cfg.rhbl_rcpt pcy; Rules.check_rhbl Rules.Client cfg.rhbl_client pcy; Rules.check_dns_client cfg.dns_client pcy; Rules.check_dns_rev_client cfg.dns_rev_client pcy; if cfg.verb > 0 then log_event "Clean" "OK" pcy; "OK" with | Rules.Dirty s -> log_event "Dirty" (Printf.sprintf "DUNNO (%s)" s) pcy; "DUNNO" | Rules.Reject s -> let s' = "REJECT "^s in log_event "Reject" s' pcy; s' ) in Printf.fprintf oc "action=%s\n\n" ans; flush oc; Policy.clear pcy (* not needed, but can help the GC *) done with _ -> Unix.shutdown s Unix.SHUTDOWN_ALL (* Configuration *) let empty_config () = { pidf = "/var/run/whitelister.pid" ; sock = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_of_string "", 10000) ; user = "nobody" ; group = "nogroup" ; verb = 0 ; rbl = [] ; rhbl_client = [] ; rhbl_rcpt = [] ; rhbl_sender = [] ; rhbl_helo = [] ; dns_client = false; dns_rev_client = false; } let to_bool s = function | "0" | "off" | "no" -> false | "1" | "yes" | "on" -> true | _ -> prerr_endline ("cannot read a boolean value for `"^s^"', possible values are on/off, yes/no, 1/0"); exit 1 let update_config cfg file = let ic = open_in file in try while true do let line = input_line ic in if String.length line > 0 && line.[0] <> '#' then match Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t:]+") line with | [] -> () | ["pidf"; f] -> cfg.pidf <- f | ["sock"; s] -> cfg.sock <- Unix.ADDR_UNIX s | ["sock"; ip; p] -> cfg.sock <- Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_of_string ip, int_of_string p) | ["user"; u] -> cfg.user <- u | ["group"; g] -> cfg.group <- g | ["verb"; "0"] -> cfg.verb <- 0 | ["verb"; "1"] -> cfg.verb <- 1 | ["rbl"; h] -> cfg.rbl <- h::cfg.rbl | ["rhbl_client"; h] -> cfg.rhbl_client <- h::cfg.rhbl_client | ["rhbl_helo"; h] -> cfg.rhbl_helo <- h::cfg.rhbl_helo | ["rhbl_rcpt"; h] -> cfg.rhbl_rcpt <- h::cfg.rhbl_rcpt | ["rhbl_sender"; h] -> cfg.rhbl_sender <- h::cfg.rhbl_sender | ["dns_client"; d] -> cfg.dns_client <- to_bool "dns_client" d | ["dns_rev_client"; e] -> cfg.dns_rev_client <- to_bool "dns_rev_client" e (* deprecated settings *) | ["rhbl"; h] -> prerr_endline "rhbl is deprecated, it defaults to rhbl_client which may not be what you want."; cfg.rhbl_client <- h::cfg.rhbl_client | _ -> prerr_string (Printf.sprintf "`%s' is not a valid config line\n" line) done; assert false with End_of_file -> close_in ic; cfg let read_config () = let found_files = List.filter Sys.file_exists ["/etc/whitelister.conf" ; "whitelister.conf"] in List.fold_left update_config (empty_config ()) found_files (* Server thingies *) open Server let my_server_loop cfg sock = pidfile_write (); pidfile_close (); log ("started, listening to " ^ (string_of_sockaddr cfg.sock)); while true do let s = fst (unix_do Unix.accept sock) in double_fork (fun s -> Unix.close sock; checker cfg s ; exit 0) s; Unix.close s done (* Main LOOP *) let _ = let cfg = read_config () in pidfile_open cfg.pidf; pidfile_write (); daemonize (cfg.user,cfg.group) (my_server_loop cfg) (bind_to_sock cfg.sock)