--- - name: Ensure Nginx is installed apt: name: nginx-full state: installed notify: restart nginx tags: - nginx - name: Install Nginx configuration template: src: nginx.conf.j2 dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf mode: 0640 # force: yes notify: reload nginx tags: - nginx - name: Copy snippets copy: src: nginx/snippets/ dest: /etc/nginx/snippets/ directory_mode: 0644 mode: 0644 # force: yes notify: reload nginx tags: - nginx - name: add IP addresses to private IP whitelist lineinfile: dest: /etc/nginx/snippets/private_ipaddr_whitelist line: "allow {{ item }};" state: present with_items: "{{ nginx_private_ipaddr_whitelist_present }}" - name: remove IP addresses from private IP whitelist lineinfile: dest: /etc/nginx/snippets/private_ipaddr_whitelist line: "allow {{ item }};" state: absent with_items: "{{ nginx_private_ipaddr_whitelist_absent }}" - name: add user:pwd to private htpasswd lineinfile: dest: /etc/nginx/snippets/private_htpasswd line: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: "{{ nginx_private_htpasswd_present }}" - name: remove user:pwd from private htpasswd lineinfile: dest: /etc/nginx/snippets/private_htpasswd line: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_items: "{{ nginx_private_htpasswd_absent }}" - name: Check if a certificate is present for default site stat: path: /etc/ssl/certs/{{ ansible_fqdn }}.crt register: stat_crt tags: - nginx - include: create_default_cert.yml when: not stat_crt.stat.exists tags: - nginx - name: Install Nginx default site template: src: default_site.j2 dest: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default mode: 0640 # force: yes notify: reload nginx tags: - nginx - name: Enable Nginx default site file: src: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default dest: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default state: link notify: reload nginx tags: - nginx - name: Verify that the service is enabled and started service: name: nginx enabled: yes state: started tags: - nginx - name: Check if Munin is installed stat: path: /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node register: stat_munin_node tags: - munin - include: configure_munin.yml when: stat_munin_node.stat.exists tags: - munin