--- - set_fact: redis_restart_handler_name: "{{ redis_restart_if_needed | ternary('restart redis', 'restart redis (noop)') }}" - name: Redis is installed. apt: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - redis-server - redis-tools tags: - redis - packages - name: Redis Sentinel is installed. apt: name: "redis-sentinel" state: present tags: - redis - packages when: redis_sentinel_install - name: Get Redis version shell: "redis-server -v | grep -Eo '(v=\\S+)' | cut -d'=' -f 2 | grep -E '^([0-9]|\\.)+$'" changed_when: false check_mode: no register: _redis_installed_version tags: - redis - set_fact: redis_installed_version: "{{ _redis_installed_version.stdout }}" check_mode: no tags: - redis - include: instances.yml vars: redis_daemon: "redis-server@{{ redis_instance_name }}" redis_conf_path: "/etc/redis/redis-{{ redis_instance_name }}.conf" redis_unixsocket: "/var/run/redis/{{ redis_instance_name }}/redis.sock" redis_pidfile: "/var/run/redis/{{ redis_instance_name }}/{{ redis_daemon }}.pid" redis_logfile: "/var/log/redis/{{ redis_instance_name }}/redis-server.log" redis_dbdir: "/var/lib/redis/{{ redis_instance_name }}" when: redis_instance_name is defined - name: Redis is configured. template: src: redis.conf.j2 dest: "{{ redis_conf_path }}" mode: "0644" notify: "{{ redis_restart_handler_name }}" when: redis_instance_name is not defined tags: - redis - name: Redis is running and enabled on boot. systemd: name: "{{ redis_daemon }}" enabled: yes state: started when: redis_instance_name is not defined tags: - redis - name: Is Munin installed stat: path: /etc/munin/plugins register: _munin_installed tags: - redis - munin - include: munin.yml when: - _munin_installed.stat.exists - _munin_installed.stat.isdir - redis_instance_name is not defined tags: - redis - munin - include: munin-instances.yml when: - _munin_installed.stat.exists - _munin_installed.stat.isdir - redis_instance_name is defined tags: - redis - munin - name: is NRPE present ? stat: path: /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/evolix.cfg check_mode: no register: nrpe_evolix_config tags: - redis - nrpe - include: nrpe_stretch.yml when: ansible_distribution_release == "stretch" and nrpe_evolix_config.stat.exists == true tags: - redis - nrpe - name: Force restart redis command: /bin/true notify: restart redis when: redis_restart_force