--- - name: "Is /etc/nagios/monitoring-plugins.ini present ?" stat: path: /etc/nagios/monitoring-plugins.ini check_mode: no register: nagios_monitoring_plugins_path - name: Warning when nagios config is present and ldap_nagios_password is given debug: msg: "WARNING: an LDAP nagios password is given, but a nagios config already exists. It will not be updated." when: - ldap_nagios_password != "" - nagios_monitoring_plugins_path.stat.exists # Generate ldap password if none is given and nagios config is absent - name: apg package is installed apt: name: apg state: present when: - ldap_nagios_password == "" - not nagios_monitoring_plugins_path.stat.exists - name: create a password for cn=admin command: "apg -n 1 -m 16 -M lcN" register: new_ldap_nagios_password changed_when: False when: - ldap_nagios_password == "" - not nagios_monitoring_plugins_path.stat.exists # Use the generated password or the one found in the file - name: overwrite ldap_nagios_password (from apg) set_fact: ldap_nagios_password: "{{ new_ldap_nagios_password.stdout }}" when: - ldap_nagios_password == "" - not nagios_monitoring_plugins_path.stat.exists - name: set params for NRPE check ini_file: dest: /etc/nagios/monitoring-plugins.ini owner: root group: nagios section: check_ldap option: "{{ item.option }}" value: "{{ item.value }}" mode: "0640" with_items: - { option: 'hostname', value: '' } - { option: 'base', value: "{{ ldap_suffix }}" } - { option: 'bind', value: "cn=nagios,ou=ldapusers,{{ ldap_suffix }}" } - { option: 'pass', value: "{{ ldap_nagios_password }}" } when: not nagios_monitoring_plugins_path.stat.exists # Read ldap password when none is given and nagios config is present # We can't parse a remote file, so we have to fetch it first - name: Fetch /etc/nagios/monitoring-plugins.ini fetch: src: /etc/nagios/monitoring-plugins.ini dest: /tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}/ flat: yes # Then web can parse it with the 'ini' lookup # and set the variable - name: overwrite ldap_nagios_password (from file) set_fact: ldap_nagios_password: "{{ lookup('ini', 'pass section=check_ldap file=/tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}/etc/nagios/monitoring-plugins.ini') }}" - name: hash password for cn=nagios command: "slappasswd -s {{ ldap_nagios_password }}" register: ldap_nagios_password_ssha changed_when: False