--- - name: Ensure that Munin is installed apt: name: '{{ item }}' state: installed with_items: - munin - munin-node - munin-plugins-core - munin-plugins-extra tags: - munin - packages - block: - name: Replace localdomain in Munin config replace: dest: /etc/munin/munin.conf regexp: 'localhost.localdomain' replace: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}' notify: restart munin-node - name: Rename the localdomain data dir command: mv /var/lib/munin/localdomain /var/lib/munin/{{ ansible_domain }} args: creates: /var/lib/munin/{{ ansible_domain }} removes: /var/lib/munin/localdomain notify: restart munin-node when: not ansible_hostname == "localdomain" tags: - munin - name: Ensure some Munin plugins are disabled file: path: '/etc/munin/plugins/{{ item }}' state: absent with_items: - http_loadtime - exim_mailqueue - exim_mailstats - nfsd - nfsd4 - nfs_client - nfs4_client notify: restart munin-node tags: - munin - name: Ensure some Munin plugins are enabled file: src: "/usr/share/munin/plugins/{{ item }}" dest: "/etc/munin/plugins/{{ item }}" state: link with_items: - meminfo - netstat_multi - tcp notify: restart munin-node tags: - munin - name: Enable sensors plugin unless VM detected file: src: /usr/share/munin/plugins/sensors_ dest: /etc/munin/plugins/sensors_temp state: link when: not ansible_virtualization_role == "guest" notify: restart munin-node tags: - munin