--- - name: Pre-seed package configuration with app name debconf: name: newrelic-php5 question: "newrelic-php5/application-name" value: "{{ newrelic_appname }}" vtype: string when: newrelic_appname - name: Pre-seed package configuration with license debconf: name: newrelic-php5 question: "newrelic-php5/license-key" value: "{{ newrelic_license }}" vtype: "string" when: newrelic_license - name: list newrelic config files shell: "find /etc/php* -type f -name newrelic.ini" changed_when: false check_mode: no register: find_newrelic_ini - name: Disable AWS detection lineinfile: dest: "{{ item }}" regexp: '^;?newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_aws' line: 'newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_aws = false' with_items: "{{ find_newrelic_ini.stdout_lines }}" - name: Disable Docker detection lineinfile: dest: "{{ item }}" regexp: '^;?newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_docker' line: 'newrelic.daemon.utilization.detect_docker = false' with_items: "{{ find_newrelic_ini.stdout_lines }}" - name: Install package for PHP apt: name: newrelic-php5 state: present