# mysql Install MySQL ## Tasks Tasks are extracted in several files, included in `tasks/main.yml` : * `packages.yml` : packages installation ; * `users.yml` : replacement of `root` user by `mysqladmin` user ; * `config.yml` : configurations ; * `datadir.yml` : data directory customization ; * `tmpdir.yml` : temporary directory customization ; * `nrpe.yml` : `nrpe` user for Nagios checks ; * `munin.yml` : Munin plugins ; * `log2mail.yml` : log2mail patterns ; * `utils.yml` : useful tools. ## Available variables * `mysql_variant` : install Oracle's MySQL or MariaDB (default: `oracle`) [Debian 8 only]; * `mysql_replace_root_with_mysqladmin`: switch from `root` to `mysqladmin` user or not ; * `mysql_thread_cache_size`: number of threads for the cache ; * `mysql_innodb_buffer_pool_size`: amount of RAM dedicated to InnoDB ; * `mysql_bind_address` : (default: `Null`, default evolinux config is then used) ; * `mysql_max_connections`: maximum number of simultaneous connections (default: `Null`, default evolinux config is then used) ; * `mysql_max_connect_errors`: number of permitted successive interrupted connection requests before a host gets blocked (default: `Null`, default evolinux config is then used) ; * `mysql_table_cache`: (default: `Null`, default evolinux config is then used) ; * `mysql_tmp_table_size`: (default: `Null`, default evolinux config is then used) ; * `mysql_max_heap_table_size`: (default: `Null`, default evolinux config is then used) ; * `mysql_query_cache_limit`: (default: `Null`, default evolinux config is then used) ; * `mysql_query_cache_size`: (default: `Null`, default evolinux config is then used) ; * `mysql_log_bin`: (default: `Null`, activates binlogs if used) ; * `mysql_custom_datadir`: custom datadir. * `mysql_custom_tmpdir`: custom tmpdir. * `general_alert_email`: email address to send various alert messages (default: `root@localhost`). * `log2mail_alert_email`: email address to send Log2mail messages to (default: `general_alert_email`). * `general_scripts_dir`: general directory for scripts installation (default: `/usr/local/bin`). * `mysql_scripts_dir`: email address to send Log2mail messages to (default: `general_scripts_dir`). * `mysql_force_new_nrpe_password` : change the password for NRPE even if it exists already (default: `False`). * `mysql_install_libclient`: install mysql client libraries (default: `False`). * `mysql_restart_if_needed` : should the restart handler be executed (default: `True`) NB : changing the _datadir_ location can be done multiple times, as long as it is not restored to the default initial location, (because a symlink is created and can't be switched back, yet).