--- - name: "{{ lxc_php_version }} - Configure timezone for the container" copy: remote_src: yes src: "/etc/timezone" dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ lxc_php_version }}/rootfs/etc/timezone" - name: "{{ lxc_php_version }} - Ensure container's root directory is 755" file: path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ lxc_php_version }}/rootfs" state: directory mode: '0755' - name: "{{ lxc_php_version }} - Configure mailname for the container" copy: content: "{{ evolinux_hostname }}.{{ evolinux_domain }}\n" dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ lxc_php_version }}/rootfs/etc/mailname" notify: "Restart opensmtpd" - name: "{{ lxc_php_version }} - Install misc packages" lxc_container: name: "{{ lxc_php_version }}" container_command: "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y cron logrotate git zip unzip" - name: "{{ lxc_php_version }} - Add MySQL socket to container default mounts" lxc_container: name: "{{ lxc_php_version }}" container_config: - "lxc.mount.entry = /var/run/mysqld {{ php_conf_mysql_socket_dir | replace('/', '', 1) }} none bind,create=dir 0 0" when: php_conf_mysql_socket_dir is string notify: Restart container