Mathieu Trossevin d7aed91043
packweb-multiphp: Change default configuration for compatibility
/var/run is now /run (and it is what is used in the .service file)

Have a default directory configured as bind target so things works by default
2020-10-19 17:33:58 +02:00

20 lines
525 B

php_conf_short_open_tag: "Off"
php_conf_expose_php: "Off"
php_conf_display_errors: "Off"
php_conf_log_errors: "On"
php_conf_html_errors: "Off"
php_conf_allow_url_fopen: "Off"
php_conf_disable_functions: "exec,shell-exec,system,passthru,popen"
# Allows accessing a local mysql database using localhost
php_conf_mysql_socket_dir: /mysqld
php_conf_mysql_default_socket: "{{ php_conf_mysql_socket_dir }}/mysqld.sock"
lxc_php_version: Null
php56: "jessie"
php70: "stretch"
php73: "buster"