Mathieu Trossevin e49379ebd0
tomcat: Use system units instead of user units
This massively reduce the output of `systemctl status` (which is usefull
when checking what is running on a server), remove the need of
enable-linger (which is always good when possible) and allows to check
the status of the service much more easily.

(It also enable more sandboxing options if wanted but we don't enable
any in this commit.)
2021-11-24 11:28:23 +01:00

113 lines
3.7 KiB

- fail:
msg: "You must provide a value for the 'tomcat_instance_port' variable."
when: tomcat_instance_port is not defined or tomcat_instance_port | length == 0
- name: "Test if uid '{{ tomcat_instance_port }}' exists"
command: 'id -un -- "{{ tomcat_instance_port }}"'
register: get_login_from_id
failed_when: False
changed_when: False
check_mode: no
- name: "Fail if uid already exists for another user"
msg: "Uid '{{ tomcat_instance_port }}' is already used by '{{ get_login_from_id.stdout }}'. You must change uid for '{{ tomcat_instance_name }}'"
- get_login_from_id.rc == 0
- get_login_from_id.stdout != tomcat_instance_name
- name: Create group instance
name: "{{ tomcat_instance_name }}"
gid: "{{ tomcat_instance_port }}"
- name: Create user instance
name: "{{ tomcat_instance_name }}"
group: "{{ tomcat_instance_name }}"
uid: "{{ tomcat_instance_port }}"
home: "{{ tomcat_instance_root }}/{{ tomcat_instance_name }}"
shell: '/bin/bash'
createhome: no
- name: Create home dir
path: "{{ tomcat_instance_root }}/{{ tomcat_instance_name }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ tomcat_instance_name }}"
group: "{{ tomcat_instance_name }}"
mode: "u=rwx,g=rwxs,o="
- name: Is /etc/aliases present?
path: /etc/aliases
register: etc_aliases
- name: Set mail alias for user
dest: '/etc/aliases'
state: present
line: "{{ tomcat_instance_name }}: {{ tomcat_instance_mail }}"
regexp: "{{ tomcat_instance_name }}:"
when: etc_aliases.stat.exists and tomcat_instance_mail is defined
register: tomcat_instance_mail_alias
- name: Run newaliases
command: newaliases
when: tomcat_instance_mail_alias is changed
- name: Enable sudo right
dest: '/etc/sudoers.d/tomcat'
state: present
mode: "0440"
create: yes
line: "%{{ tomcat_instance_name }} ALL = ({{ tomcat_instance_name }}) SETENV: ALL"
validate: 'visudo -cf %s'
- name: Enable sudo right for deploy user
dest: '/etc/sudoers.d/tomcat'
state: present
mode: "0440"
create: yes
line: "{{ tomcat_instance_deploy_user }} ALL = ({{ tomcat_instance_name }}) NOPASSWD: SETENV: ALL"
validate: 'visudo -cf %s'
when: tomcat_instance_deploy_user is defined
- name: Enable sudo right for service management
dest: '/etc/sudoers.d/tomcat'
state: present
mode: "0440"
create: yes
line: "%{{ tomcat_instance_name }} ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: {{ item }}"
validate: 'visudo -cf %s'
- "/bin/systemctl start tomcat@{{ tomcat_instance_name }}.service"
- "/bin/systemctl stop tomcat@{{ tomcat_instance_name }}.service"
- "/bin/systemctl status tomcat@{{ tomcat_instance_name }}.service"
- "/bin/systemctl status -l tomcat@{{ tomcat_instance_name }}.service"
- "/bin/systemctl enable tomcat@{{ tomcat_instance_name }}.service"
- "/bin/systemctl disable tomcat@{{ tomcat_instance_name }}.service"
- name: Enable sudo right for deploy user for service management
dest: '/etc/sudoers.d/tomcat'
state: present
mode: "0440"
create: yes
line: "{{ tomcat_instance_deploy_user }} ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: {{ item }}"
validate: 'visudo -cf %s'
when: tomcat_instance_deploy_user is defined
- "/bin/systemctl start tomcat@{{ tomcat_instance_name }}.service"
- "/bin/systemctl stop tomcat@{{ tomcat_instance_name }}.service"
- "/bin/systemctl status tomcat@{{ tomcat_instance_name }}.service"
- "/bin/systemctl status -l tomcat@{{ tomcat_instance_name }}.service"
- "/bin/systemctl enable tomcat@{{ tomcat_instance_name }}.service"
- "/bin/systemctl disable tomcat@{{ tomcat_instance_name }}.service"