use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use std::fs::File; use std::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream, UdpSocket}; use std::os::fd::RawFd; use std::os::unix::net::{UnixDatagram, UnixListener, UnixStream}; use std::{env, process}; use error::{GetFdsError, ReceiveError, ReceiveNameError}; use rustix::fd::{AsRawFd, BorrowedFd, OwnedFd}; use rustix::fs::FileType; use rustix::net::SocketType; mod error; const SD_LISTEN_FDS_START: RawFd = 3; const PID_VAR: &str = "LISTEN_PID"; const FD_NUMBER_VAR: &str = "LISTEN_FDS"; const FD_NAMES_VAR: &str = "LISTEN_FDNAMES"; /// File Descriptor passed by systemd. /// /// They are duplicated from the actual passed file descriptor so as to be safe to use from rust code. #[derive(Debug)] pub enum FileDescriptor { /// The file descriptor is a [`File`](std::fs::File). /// /// If this is an FD provided by a .socket unit it corresponds to `ListenSpecial=`. File(File), /// The file descriptor is a directory. Directory(OwnedFd), /// The file descriptor is a FIFO /// /// If this is an FD provided by a .socket unit it corresponds to `ListenFIFO=` Fifo(OwnedFd), /// The file descriptor is a TCP socket listening for incoming connexions. /// /// If this is an FD provided by a .socket unit it corresponds to `ListenStream=` with an IP address. TcpListener(TcpListener), /// The file descriptor is a TCP socket that doesn't listen for incoming connexions. TcpStream(TcpStream), /// The file descriptor is an UDP . /// /// If this is an FD provided by a .socket unit it corresponds to `ListenDatagram=` with an IP address. UdpSocket(UdpSocket), /// The file descriptor is another inet socket /// /// You should figure out what exactly it is before you use it. InetOther(OwnedFd), /// The file descriptor is a Unix Stream Socket listening for incoming connexions. /// /// If this is an FD provided by a .socket unit it corresponds to `ListenStream=` with a path or starting with `@` (abstract socket). UnixListener(UnixListener), /// The file descriptor is a Unix Stream Socket. UnixStream(UnixStream), /// The file descriptor is a Unix Datagram Socket. /// /// If this is an FD provided by a .socket unit it corresponds to `ListenDatagram=` with a path or starting with `@` (abstract socket). UnixDatagram(UnixDatagram), /// The file descriptor is a Unix SEQPACKET Socket. /// /// If this is an FD provided by a .socket unit it corresponds to `ListenSequentialPacket=` UnixSequentialPaquet(OwnedFd), /// The file descriptor is another type of Unix Socket. UnixOther(OwnedFd), /// The file descriptor is some other socket type. /// /// Probably a Netlink family socket if from a .socket unit but you should check yourself. SocketOther(OwnedFd), /// The file descriptor is a message queue. /// /// If this is an FD provided by a .socket unit it corresponds to `ListenMessageQueue=` MessageQueue(OwnedFd), /// The file descriptor is something else. Other(OwnedFd), } impl FileDescriptor { /// Get any file descriptor passed by systemd or anything implementing the `LISTEN_FD` protocol. /// /// This isn't necessarily limited to File descriptor of listening sockets, IPCs or FIFOs but also anything that is in the file descriptor store. /// The file descriptores are duplicated using [`fcntl_dupfd_cloexec`](rustix::fs::fcntl_dupfd_cloexec) so they can safely be used from rust and will not be propagated to children process automatically. pub fn receive(unset_env: bool) -> Result, ReceiveError> { let pid = env::var_os(PID_VAR).ok_or(ReceiveError::NoListenPID)?; let fds = env::var_os(FD_NUMBER_VAR).ok_or(ReceiveError::NoListenFD)?; tracing::trace!("{PID_VAR} = {pid:?}; {FD_NUMBER_VAR} = {fds:?}"); if unset_env { env::remove_var(PID_VAR); env::remove_var(FD_NUMBER_VAR); env::remove_var(FD_NAMES_VAR); } let pid = pid .into_string() .map_err(ReceiveError::NotUnicodeListenPID)? .parse::() .map_err(ReceiveError::ListenPIDParse)?; let fds = fds .into_string() .map_err(ReceiveError::NotUnicodeListenFD)? .parse::() .map_err(ReceiveError::ListenFDParse)?; let current_pid = process::id(); if current_pid != pid { return Err(ReceiveError::PidMismatch { expected: pid, found: current_pid, }); } match Self::from_fds(fds) { Ok(fds) => Ok(fds), Err(error) => Err(ReceiveError::GetFds(error)), } } /// Get any file descriptor passed using `LISTEN_FD` and their names. /// /// This isn't necessarily limited to File descriptor of listening sockets, IPCs or FIFOs but also anything that is in the file descriptor store. /// The file descriptores are duplicated using [`fcntl_dupfd_cloexec`](rustix::fs::fcntl_dupfd_cloexec) so they can safely be used from rust and will not be propagated to children process automatically. pub fn receive_with_names( unset_env: bool, ) -> Result, ReceiveNameError> { let fd_names = env::var_os(FD_NAMES_VAR).ok_or(ReceiveNameError::NoListenFDName)?; tracing::trace!("{FD_NAMES_VAR} = {fd_names:?}"); let fd_names = fd_names .as_encoded_bytes() .split(|b| *b == b':') .map(|name| { // SAFETY: // - Each `word` only contains content that originated from `OsStr::as_encoded_bytes` // - Only split with ASCII colon which is a non-empty UTF-8 substring unsafe { OsStr::from_encoded_bytes_unchecked(name) } }) .map(OsStr::to_os_string); Ok(Self::receive(unset_env)? .into_iter() .zip(fd_names) .collect::>()) } fn from_fds(num_fds: usize) -> Result, GetFdsError> { if SD_LISTEN_FDS_START.checked_add(num_fds as RawFd).is_none() { return Err(GetFdsError::TooManyFDs(num_fds)); } Ok((0..num_fds).map(|fd_offset| { SD_LISTEN_FDS_START .checked_add(fd_offset as RawFd) // SAFETY: We are receiving the fd so it should be safe .map(|fd| FileDescriptor::from_fd(fd, 0)) .expect("Already checked against overflow.") })) } fn from_fd(fd: RawFd, min_new: RawFd) -> Self { let fd = { // SAFETY: The file descriptor won't be closed by the time we duplicate it. let fd = unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(fd) }; rustix::fs::fcntl_dupfd_cloexec(fd, min_new) .expect("Couldn't duplicate the file descriptor") }; let stat = rustix::fs::fstat(&fd) .expect("This should only ever be called on a valid file descriptor."); let file_type = FileType::from_raw_mode(stat.st_mode); match file_type { FileType::RegularFile => Self::File(fd.into()), FileType::Directory => Self::Directory(fd), FileType::Fifo => Self::Fifo(fd), FileType::Socket => match rustix::net::getsockname(&fd).unwrap() { rustix::net::SocketAddrAny::V4(_) | rustix::net::SocketAddrAny::V6(_) => { match rustix::net::sockopt::get_socket_type(&fd).unwrap() { SocketType::DGRAM => Self::UdpSocket(fd.into()), SocketType::STREAM => { if rustix::net::sockopt::get_socket_acceptconn(&fd).unwrap_or_default() { Self::TcpListener(fd.into()) } else { Self::TcpStream(fd.into()) } } _ => Self::InetOther(fd), } } rustix::net::SocketAddrAny::Unix(_) => { match rustix::net::sockopt::get_socket_type(&fd).unwrap() { SocketType::DGRAM => Self::UnixDatagram(fd.into()), SocketType::STREAM => { if rustix::net::sockopt::get_socket_acceptconn(&fd).unwrap_or_default() { Self::UnixListener(fd.into()) } else { Self::UnixStream(fd.into()) } } SocketType::SEQPACKET => Self::UnixSequentialPaquet(fd), _ => Self::UnixOther(fd), } } _ => Self::SocketOther(fd), }, _ => { // `rustix` does not enable us to test if a raw fd is a mq, so we must drop to libc here. // SAFETY: `mq_getattr` is specified to return -1 when passed a fd which is not a mq. // Furthermore, we ignore `attr` and rely only on the return value. let mut attr = std::mem::MaybeUninit::::uninit(); let res = unsafe { libc::mq_getattr(fd.as_raw_fd(), attr.as_mut_ptr()) }; if res == 0 { Self::MessageQueue(fd) } else { Self::Other(fd) } } } } }