Mathieu Trossevin mtrossevin
  • Joined on 2020-05-25
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:51:25 +01:00
293ea73b6b Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:41:58 +01:00
18da89f58f Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:40:19 +01:00
34c73381bc Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:38:14 +01:00
9a556e2db6 Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:37:10 +01:00
d8af3dc1e8 Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:35:07 +01:00
53b0694054 Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:29:37 +01:00
ed8bc8571d Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:23:54 +01:00
554846522f Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:20:45 +01:00
11956bc8cf Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:14:42 +01:00
9ef497c1c8 Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:13:49 +01:00
3380beb70f Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:11:31 +01:00
9f5e6a5ee6 Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin created branch ci-enablement in evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:01:05 +01:00
mtrossevin pushed to ci-enablement at evolix/evoadmin-web 2023-11-13 14:01:05 +01:00
8c7778f354 Initialise CI with PHPStan level 0
mtrossevin commented on pull request evolix/evoadmin-web#85 2023-11-10 15:25:49 +01:00
sendmail_path in LXC, and better op_del

@mtrossevin : For sendmail_path, it is already defined in the vhost template for php mod, but was missing for FPM in the containers.

Perhaps, but the change seems to only affect what was…

mtrossevin approved evolix/evoadmin-web#85 2023-11-10 12:02:02 +01:00
sendmail_path in LXC, and better op_del

All good for me.

mtrossevin suggested changes for evolix/evoadmin-web#85 2023-11-10 10:25:06 +01:00
sendmail_path in LXC, and better op_del

Oops, should have just left a comment, see above

mtrossevin commented on pull request evolix/evoadmin-web#85 2023-11-10 10:24:09 +01:00
sendmail_path in LXC, and better op_del

Seems good.

mtrossevin commented on pull request evolix/evoadmin-web#85 2023-11-10 10:24:09 +01:00
sendmail_path in LXC, and better op_del

Since sendmail_path wasn't defined before this PR, should we really have this in the changelog ?

mtrossevin approved evolix/evoadmin-web#85 2023-11-10 10:24:09 +01:00
sendmail_path in LXC, and better op_del

On sendmail_path and open_basedir, it looks good.