2022-07-11 12:12:55 +02:00

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Contributing to check_patroni

Thanks for your interest in contributing to check_patroni.

Clone Git Repository

Installation from the git repository:

$ git clone
$ cd check_patroni

Change the branch if necessary.

Create Python Virtual Environment

You need a dedicated environment, install dependencies and then check_patroni from the repo:

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ . .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip3 install .[dev,test]
(.venv) $ check_patroni

To quit this env and destroy it:

$ deactivate
$ rm -r .venv

Development Environment

A vagrant file is available to create a icinga / opm / grafana stack and install check_patroni. You can then add a server to the supervision and watch the graphs in grafana. It's in ./test/vagrant.

A vagrant file can be found in [this repository]( to generate a patroni/etcd setup.

Executing Tests

The pytests are in ./test and use a moker to provide a json response instead of having to call the patroni API.