Denis Laxalde 6ee8db1df2 Avoid using requests's JSONDecodeError
This exception is only present in "recent" version of requests,
typically not in the version distributed by Debian bullseye. Since
requests' JSONDecodeError is in general a subclass of
json.JSONDecodeError, we use the latter, but also handle the plain
ValueError (which json.JSONDecodeError is a subclass of) because
requests might use simplejson (which uses its own JSONDecodeError, also
a subclass of ValueError).
2023-10-13 11:45:39 +02:00

84 lines
2.4 KiB

# Change log
## Unreleased
### Added
### Fixed
* Add compatibility with [requests](
version 2.25 and higher.
### Misc
* Improve test coverage by running an HTTP server to fake the Patroni API (#55
by @dlax).
* Work around old pytest versions in type annotations in the test suite.
* Declare compatibility with click version 7.1 (or higher).
* In tests, work around nagiosplugin 1.3.2 not properly handling stdout
## check_patroni 1.0.0 - 2023-08-28
Check patroni is now tagged as Production/Stable.
### Added
* Add `sync_standby` as a valid replica type for `cluster_has_replica`. (contributed by @mattpoel)
* Add info and options (`--sync-warning` and `--sync-critical`) about sync replica to `cluster_has_replica`.
* Add a new service `cluster_has_scheduled_action` to warn of any scheduled switchover or restart.
* Add options to `node_is_replica` to check specifically for a synchronous (`--is-sync`) or asynchronous node (`--is-async`).
* Add `standby-leader` as a valid leader type for `cluster_has_leader`.
* Add a new service `node_is_leader` to check if a node is a leader (which includes standby leader nodes)
### Fixed
* Fix the `node_is_alive` check. (#31)
* Fix the `cluster_has_replica` and `cluster_node_count` checks to account for
the new replica state `streaming` introduced in v3.0.4 (#28, reported by @log1-c)
### Misc
* Create
* Add tests for the output of the scripts in addition to the return code
* Documentation in
## check_patroni 0.2.0 - 2023-03-20
### Added
* Add a `--save` option when state files are used
* Modify `-e/--endpoints` to allow a comma separated list of endpoints (#21, reported by @lihnjo)
* Use requests instead of urllib3 (with extensive help from @dlax)
* Change the way logging is handled (with extensive help from @dlax)
### Fix
* Reverse the test for `node_is_pending`
* SSL handling
### Misc
* Several doc Fix and Updates
* Use spellcheck and isort
* Remove tests for python 3.6
* Add python tests for python 3.11
## check_patroni 0.1.1 - 2022-07-15
The initial release covers the following checks :
* check a cluster for
+ configuration change
+ presence of a leader
+ presence of a replica
+ maintenance status
* check a node for
+ liveness
+ pending restart status
+ primary status
+ replica status
+ tl change
+ patroni version