2023-08-23 10:53:09 +02:00

59 lines
1.3 KiB

# Change log
## Unreleased
### Added
* Add `sync_standby` as a valid replica type for `cluster_has_replica`. (contributed by @mattpoel)
### Fixed
* Fix the `node_is_alive` check. (#31)
* Fix the `cluster_has_replica` and `cluster_node_count` checks to account for
the new replica state `streaming` introduced in v3.0.4 (#28, reported by @log1-c)
### Misc
* Move packaging metadata into pyproject.toml
* Create
* Add tests for the output of the scripts in addition to the return code
## check_patroni 0.2.0 - 2023-03-20
### Added
* Add a `--save` option when state files are used
* Modify `-e/--endpoints` to allow a comma separated list of endpoints (#21, reported by @lihnjo)
* Use requests instead of urllib3 (with extensive help from @dlax)
* Change the way logging is handled (with extensive help from @dlax)
### Fix
* Reverse the test for `node_is_pending`
* SSL handling
### Misc
* Several doc Fix and Updates
* Use spellcheck and isort
* Remove tests for python 3.6
* Add python tests for python 3.11
## check_patroni 0.1.1 - 2022-07-15
The initial release covers the following checks :
* check a cluster for
+ configuration change
+ presence of a leader
+ presence of a replica
+ maintenance status
* check a node for
+ liveness
+ pending restart status
+ primary status
+ replica status
+ tl change
+ patroni version