2016-08-24 14:46:45 -07:00

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#PHP Linux Drivers for SQL Server - Installation Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install the PHP Linux drivers for Microsoft SQL Server, along with the additional required software to get them to work. The drivers are available from GitHub, where you will find several variants. They are available as a SQLSRV variant or a PDO_SQLSRV variant, the latter implements PDO PHP extension for accessing data. In addition, the drivers are built for both thread safe and non-thread safe environments. The PHP Linux drivers built for thread safe servers are named and The drivers built for servers without thread safety enabled are and

Prior to installing the PHP Linux drivers, you must install the unixODBC driver manager, the Microsoft ODBC driver for Linux, PHP 7, and a web server. In the following, we will assume the web server is Apache.

###Install the unixODBC driver manager and Microsoft ODBC driver for Linux You can install both the unixODBC driver manager and the ODBC driver using the shell script found on GitHub. Be sure to use the shell script appropriate for your Linux distribution. We do not recommend installing unixODBC from your package manager.

  1. Download the shell script from the PHP Linux GitHub repository and install them.
  • For Ubuntu 15.04 amd 16.04, run: sudo su wget sh
  • For RedHat 7.2 or CentOS 7.2, run: sudo su wget sh
  1. Verify that the ODBC driver on Linux is registered successfully by executing the following commands:

    odbcinst j odbcinst -q -d -n "ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server"

You should see output similar to the following:


###Install Apache: You are now ready to install Apache. You can install from source, or you can use your package manager. ### To install from source, follow these instructions.

  1. From the Apache web site, download the Apache source. Go to and click on the link to the tar.gz file. In what follows, we'll assume it is httpd-2.4.20.tar.gz. Take note of the directory to which it is downloaded.


  2. Download the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and APR utilities from Click on apr-1.5.2.tar.gz and apr-util-1.5.4.tar.gz to download.


  3. Extract the web server into a local directory and then extract the apr packages into the srclib/ directory. Run the following commands:

    cd <path to download directory> tar xvzf httpd-2.4.20.tar.gz tar xvzf apr-1.5.2.tar.gz tar xvzf apr-util-1.5.4.tar.gz mkdir httpd-2.4.20/srclib/apr-util cp -r apr-1.5.2/* httpd-2.4.20/srclib/apr cp -r apr-util-1.5.4/* httpd-2.4.20/srclib/apr-util cd httpd-2.4.20/

  4. Now we compile Apache. The compilation depends on whether the PHP drivers are thread safe. If you have downloaded the thread safe drivers (with names ending in, run the following command:

    ./configure --enable-so --with-mpm=worker

    If you have downloaded the non-thread safe drivers (with names ending in, run:

    ./configure --enable-so --with-mpm=prefork

    If you get a message saying that PCRE is not found, it can be installed with your package manager. Run sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev on Ubuntu, or sudo yum install pcre-devel on CentOS.

  5. Run make and sudo make install to complete the installation.

###To install Apache from your package manager, follow these steps:

  1. If using Red Hat or CentOS, run the following command:

    sudo yum install httpd httpd-devel

    If using Ubuntu, run the following command:

    sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-dev

Note that your package manager's version of Apache is likely not thread safe. To verify that Apache is installed and working properly, point your web browser to localhost/. If you installed from source, you will see a message saying 'It works!`. If you installed from package, you may see a different landing page here is the landing page on Ubuntu:


###Install PHP Now you are ready to install PHP. You can install by source or, if the packaged version is PHP 7, with your package manager. However, we recommend you install from source. To install PHP from source, follow these instructions:

  1. Download the latest stable PHP 7 source from In what follows, we will assume the downloaded source file is php-7.0.8.tar.gz.

  2. Run the following commands:

    cd <path to download directory> tar xvzf php-7.0.8.tar.gz cd php-7.0.8/ ./buildconf --force

  3. Run ./configure with the following options on the command line: a. LIBS=-lodbc b. the path for the unixODBC header files using --with-unixODBC=<path-to-ODBC-headers>. To find the path for the header files, use the command sudo find / -name sql.h. Then add this path, without the /include/sql.h, to the command line. For example, if the find command yields /usr/include/sql.h, add --with-unixODBC=/usr to the ./configure command line. c. the path to apxs or apxs2 to configure PHP for Apache using --with-apxs2=. To find the path to apxs (or apxs2), run sudo find / -name apxs or sudo find / -name apxs2 and add the resulting path to the option. d. if your web server has thread safety enabled, add --enable-maintainer-zts to ./configure. Otherwise you may omit this option.

    Thus your ./configure command should look like ./configure LIBS=-lodbc --with-unixODBC=<path-to-ODBC-headers> --with-apxs2=<path-to-apxs-executable> --enable-maintainer-zts.


    If your ./configure command exits with an error saying it cannot find xml2-config, you need to install libxml2-dev using your package manager before continuing. Run the following command: sudo yum install libxml2-devel on Red Hat or CentOS, or sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev on Ubuntu.

  4. Run make and then copy the downloaded PHP drivers into the modules/ directory.

  5. Run sudo make install to install the binaries into the default php extensions directory.

  6. Edit your Apache config file so that Apache can load PHP files. If you installed Apache from source, locate your httpd.conf file (using, for example, sudo find / -name httpd.conf) and add the following lines to it:

    LoadModule php7_module modules/ <FilesMatch \.php$> SetHandler application/x-httpd-php </FilesMatch>

    You can alter these lines to allow different file types to be parsed as PHP files. See for more information.

    If you installed Apache via the package manager, the Apache config file(s) may have a different structure. In Ubuntu, you can find apache2.conf in /etc/apache2. Add the above lines to this file.

###Install PHP from the package manager

To install PHP and the PHP apache module using your package manager, you must ensure that your distribution provides PHP 7, as earlier versions will not work.

NOTE: Installing PHP from package requires installing php-odbc for symbol definitions. However, php-odbc uses a different version of unixODBC from the one obtained when following the instructions above. As mentioned, we do not recommend using your package manager's version of unixODBC, and we cannot guarantee that the functionality obtained installing PHP this way will be the same as when installing PHP from source.

Follow these steps to install from the package manager on Ubuntu:

  1. Run apt-cache show php | grep Version. The output will look like Version: 1:7.0+35ubuntu6. The actual version of PHP immediately follows the 1: .
  2. Run sudo apt-get install php php-odbc libapache2-mod-php to install PHP, the php-odbc module, and the Apache module.

Follow these steps to install from the package manager on Red Hat/CentOS:

  1. Run yum info php | grep Version and verify that the version is at least 7.0.
  2. Run sudo yum install php php-odbc to install PHP, the php-odbc module, and the Apache module.

###Compiling and installing Microsoft PHP drivers for SQLServer from source:

Instead of using the precompiled binaries, you can compile your own when compiling PHP. To compile the binaries yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Download the source from github. Download the latest stable PHP 7 source from

  2. Unpack the PHP source and the SQL Server extension source, and copy the extension source to the PHP extension directory:

    cd <path to download directory> tar xvzf php-7.0.8.tar.gz cp r sqlsrv/ php-7.0.8/ext/ cp r pdo_sqlsrv/ php-7.0.8/ext/ cd php-7.0.8/ ./buildconf --force

  3. Run ./configure with the same options as described in step 3 above, in addition to the following: a. CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11 to ensure your compiler uses the C++11 standard. b. --enable-sqlsrv=shared c. --with-pdo_sqlsrv=shared d. --with-odbcver=0x0380. This option has no practical effect as the drivers use ODBC version 3.52, but it suppresses compilation warnings arising from the fact that PHP's default setting of version 3.00 is different from unixODBC's setting of 3.80.

    Thus your ./configure command should look like ./configure LIBS=-lodbc --with-unixODBC=<path-to-ODBC-headers> --with-apxs2=<path-to-apxs-executable> --disable-maintainer-zts CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11 --enable-sqlsrv=shared --with-pdo_sqlsrv=shared --with-odbcver=0x0380.

    Note: if you get a message saying WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-sqlsrv, --with-pdo_sqlsrv, run touch ext/*/config.m4 and then ./buildconf --force before trying ./configure again.

  4. Run make. The compiled drivers will be located in the modules/ directory, and are named and

  5. Run sudo make install to install the binaries into the default php extensions directory.

  6. Edit your apache configuration file as described in step 6 above.

Now edit your php.ini file to load the PHP drivers when PHP starts.

  1. To find the location of your php.ini file, run php --ini to find the directory PHP searches for php.ini. You will see output similar to the following:


If you installed PHP from package, the output will be slightly different and will probably list more .ini files, but you will likely need to edit only the php.ini file listed under Loaded Configuration File.

  1. If Loaded Configuration File shows that a php.ini is loaded, edit that file. Otherwise go to the PHP directory in your home directory, run cp php.ini-development php.ini and copy the newly created php.ini file to the Configuration File (php.ini) Path indicated when running php --ini. If using the SQLSRV driver, add the following lines to your php.ini: or If using the PDO_SQLSRV driver, add or If necessary, specify the extension directory using extension_dir, for example: extension_dir = “/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/”. To find the default extension directory, run php -i | grep extension_dir.

  2. Stop and restart the Apache web server.

  3. Test your apache and PHP installation with a script that calls phpinfo(). Copy the following to a file called phpinfo.php:

<?php phpinfo(); ?> and copy that file to your web directory. This is likely to be either /var/www/html, or the htdocs/ directory in the Apache directory. In a web browser, go to localhost/phpinfo.php. You should see a page with information about your PHP installation, and information on enabled extensions, including sqlsrv and pdo_sqlsrv.




If you do not see sections on sqlsrv and pdo_sqlsrv extensions, these extensions are not loaded. Near the top of the PHP info page, check which php.ini is loaded. This may be different from the php.ini file loaded when running php from the command line, especially if Apache and PHP were installed from your package manager. In this case, edit the php.ini displayed on the PHP info page to load the extensions in the same way described above. Restart the Apache web server and verify that phpinfo() loads the sqlsrv extensions.

####Links: Microsoft PHP GitHub repository UnixODBC 2.3.1 for Ubuntu. Microsoft® ODBC Driver 13 (Preview) for SQL Server® - Ubuntu Linux Microsoft® ODBC Driver 13 (Preview) and 11 for SQL Server® - Red Hat Linux Apache source: Apache Portable Runtime (APR): PHP source download page: