base: fix shell configuration, increase $HISTSIZE, and change history alias so it displays full history

"set -A" options are for ksh only
This commit is contained in:
Jérémy Dubois 2022-01-07 18:12:09 +01:00
parent 4506c835c5
commit 93f21a947c
3 changed files with 31 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
### Fixed
- base: fix shell configuration, increase $HISTSIZE, and change history alias so it displays full history
### Removed
## [21.12] - 2021-12-17

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
alias vi='vim'
sudo() { if [[ $# == "1" ]] && [[ $1 == "su" ]]; then command sudo -i; else command sudo "$@"; fi }
alias history="fc -l 0"
# Caracterisation du shell
@ -15,3 +16,30 @@ bind '^[Oc'=forward-word
bind '^[Od'=backward-word
bind '^[^[[C'=forward-word
bind '^[^[[D'=backward-word
set -A complete_kill_1 -- -9 -HUP -INFO -KILL -TERM
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
set -A complete_vmctl -- console load reload start stop reset status
set -A complete_vmctl_2 -- $(vmctl status | awk '!/NAME/{print $NF}')
if [ -d ~/.password-store ]; then
cd ~/.password-store
find . -type f -name \*.gpg | sed 's/^\.\///' | sed 's/\.gpg$//g'
set -A complete_pass -- $PASS_LIST -c generate edit insert git
set -A complete_pass_2 -- $PASS_LIST push
PKG_LIST=$(ls -1 /var/db/pkg)
set -A complete_pkg_delete -- $PKG_LIST
set -A complete_pkg_info -- $PKG_LIST
set -A complete_rcctl_1 -- disable enable get ls order set reload check restart stop start
set -A complete_rcctl_2 -- $(ls /etc/rc.d)
set -A complete_signify_1 -- -C -G -S -V
set -A complete_signify_2 -- -q -p -x -c -m -t -z
set -A complete_signify_3 -- -p -x -c -m -t -z
set -A complete_make_1 -- install clean repackage reinstall
set -A complete_gpg2 -- --refresh --receive-keys --armor --clearsign --sign --list-key --decrypt --verify --detach-sig
set -A complete_git -- pull push mpull mpush status clone branch add rm checkout fetch show tag commit
set -A complete_ifconfig_1 -- $(ifconfig | grep ^[a-z] | cut -d: -f1)

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export PS1="\u@\h:\w\\$ "
export HISTSIZE=10000
export HISTSIZE=100000
export HISTCONTROL='ignoredups:ignorespace'
export TMOUT=36000
export PAGER=less
@ -27,32 +27,3 @@ case "$-" in
PKG_LIST=$(ls -1 /var/db/pkg)
set -A complete_kill_1 -- -9 -HUP -INFO -KILL -TERM
pgrep -q vmd
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
set -A complete_vmctl -- console load reload start stop reset status
set -A complete_vmctl_2 -- $(vmctl status | awk '!/NAME/{print $NF}')
if [ -d ~/.password-store ]; then
cd ~/.password-store
find . -type f -name \*.gpg | sed 's/^\.\///' | sed 's/\.gpg$//g'
set -A complete_pass -- $PASS_LIST -c generate edit insert git
set -A complete_pass_2 -- $PASS_LIST push
set -A complete_pkg_delete -- $PKG_LIST
set -A complete_pkg_info -- $PKG_LIST
set -A complete_rcctl_1 -- disable enable get ls order set reload check restart stop start
set -A complete_rcctl_2 -- $(ls /etc/rc.d)
set -A complete_signify_1 -- -C -G -S -V
set -A complete_signify_2 -- -q -p -x -c -m -t -z
set -A complete_signify_3 -- -p -x -c -m -t -z
set -A complete_make_1 -- install clean repackage reinstall
set -A complete_gpg2 -- --refresh --receive-keys --armor --clearsign --sign --list-key --decrypt --verify --detach-sig
set -A complete_git -- pull push mpull mpush status clone branch add rm checkout fetch show tag commit
set -A complete_ifconfig_1 -- $(ifconfig | grep ^[a-z] | cut -d: -f1)