kvm-host: Add firewall rule for DRBD #173

abenmiloud wants to merge 1 commit from add-drbd-firewall-rule into unstable
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abenmiloud added 1 commit 2023-12-13 12:22:51 +01:00
kvm-host: Add firewall rule for DRBD
Some checks failed
Ansible Lint |Total|New|Outstanding|Fixed|Trend |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: |2667|5|2662|5|:-1: Output truncated.
gitea/ansible-roles/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit
jlecour closed this pull request 2024-02-12 18:55:21 +01:00
Some checks failed
Ansible Lint |Total|New|Outstanding|Fixed|Trend |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: |2667|5|2662|5|:-1: Output truncated.
gitea/ansible-roles/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit

Pull request closed

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Reference: evolix/ansible-roles#173
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