Jérémy Lecour 61f5219f48 Improve documentation
Each role has a README and a meta/main.yml file
2017-01-05 18:22:06 +01:00

24 lines
598 B

# munin
Installation and basic configuration of Redis.
This role is based on
## Tasks
Everything is in the `tasks/main.yml` file.
## Available variables
Main variables are :
* `redis_daemon`: name of the process ;
* `redis_conf_path`: config file location ;
* `redis_port`: listening TCP port ;
* `redis_bind_interface`: listening IP address ;
* `redis_unixsocket`: Unix socket ;
* `redis_loglevel`: log verbosity ;
* `redis_logfile`: log file location.
The full list of variables (with default values) can be found in `defaults/main.yml`.