WIP: introduce a second directory for backups

This commit is contained in:
Jérémy Lecour 2019-12-16 13:36:00 +01:00 committed by Jérémy Lecour
parent 86f6089ce6
commit fc8a1ebfa0

View file

## We use /home/backup : feel free to use your own dir
# You can set "linux" or "bsd" manually or let it choose automatically
SYSTEM=$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
@ -49,6 +50,8 @@ BEGINNING=$(/bin/date +"%d-%m-%Y ; %H:%M")
# shellcheck disable=SC2174
mkdir -p -m 700 ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}
# shellcheck disable=SC2174
mkdir -p -m 700 ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}
@ -148,47 +151,55 @@ if [ "${LOCAL_TASKS}" = "1" ]; then
# --opt --all-databases --force --events --hex-blob | gzip --best > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/mysql.bak.gz
## example with two dumps for each table (.sql/.txt) for all databases
# MYSQLDUMP_DIR=/home/mysqldump
# for i in $(echo SHOW DATABASES | mysql --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -P 3306 \
# | egrep -v "^(Database|information_schema|performance_schema|sys)" ); \
# do mkdir -p -m 700 /home/mysqldump/$i ; chown -RL mysql /home/mysqldump ; \
# do mkdir -p -m 700 ${MYSQLDUMP_DIR}/$i ; chown -RL mysql ${MYSQLDUMP_DIR} ; \
# mysqldump --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf --force -P 3306 -Q --opt --events --hex-blob --skip-comments \
# --fields-enclosed-by='\"' --fields-terminated-by=',' -T /home/mysqldump/$i $i; done
# --fields-enclosed-by='\"' --fields-terminated-by=',' -T ${MYSQLDUMP_DIR}/$i $i; done
## example with compressed SQL dump for each databases
# mkdir -p -m 700 /home/mysqldump/
# MYSQLDUMP_DIR=/home/mysqldump
# mkdir -p -m 700 ${MYSQLDUMP_DIR}
# for i in $(mysql --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -P 3306 -e 'show databases' -s --skip-column-names \
# | egrep -v "^(Database|information_schema|performance_schema|sys)"); do
# mysqldump --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf --force -P 3306 --events --hex-blob $i | gzip --best > /home/mysqldump/${i}.sql.gz
# mysqldump --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf --force -P 3306 --events --hex-blob $i | gzip --best > ${MYSQLDUMP_DIR}/${i}.sql.gz
# done
## example with *one* uncompressed SQL dump for *one* database (MYBASE)
# mkdir -p -m 700 /home/mysqldump/MYBASE
# chown -RL mysql /home/mysqldump/
# MYSQLDUMP_DIR=/home/mysqldump
# mkdir -p -m 700 ${MYSQLDUMP_DIR}/MYBASE
# chown -RL mysql ${MYSQLDUMP_DIR}/
# mysqldump --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf --force -Q \
# --opt --events --hex-blob --skip-comments -T /home/mysqldump/MYBASE MYBASE
# --opt --events --hex-blob --skip-comments -T ${MYSQLDUMP_DIR}/MYBASE MYBASE
## example with mysqlhotcopy
# mkdir -p -m 700 /home/mysqlhotcopy/
# mysqlhotcopy BASE /home/mysqlhotcopy/
# MYSQLHOTCOPY_DIR=/home/mysqlhotcopy
# mkdir -p -m 700 ${MYSQLHOTCOPY_DIR}
# mysqlhotcopy BASE ${MYSQLHOTCOPY_DIR}/
## example for multiples MySQL instances
# MYSQLDUMP_DIR=/home/mysqldump
# mkdir -p -m 700 ${MYSQLDUMP_DIR}
# mysqladminpasswd=$(grep -m1 'password = .*' /root/.my.cnf|cut -d" " -f3)
# grep -E "^port\s*=\s*\d*" /etc/mysql/my.cnf |while read instance; do
# instance=$(echo "$instance"|awk '{ print $3 }')
# if [ "$instance" != "3306" ]
# then
# mysqldump -P $instance --opt --all-databases --hex-blob -u mysqladmin -p$mysqladminpasswd > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/mysql.$instance.bak
# mysqldump -P $instance --opt --all-databases --hex-blob -u mysqladmin -p$mysqladminpasswd > ${MYSQLDUMP_DIR}/mysql.$instance.bak
# fi
# done
### PostgreSQL
## example with pg_dumpall (warning: you need space in ~postgres)
# PGDUMP_DIR=/home/pgdump
# mkdir -p -m 700 ${PGDUMP_DIR}
# su - postgres -c "pg_dumpall > ~/pg.dump.bak"
# mv ~postgres/pg.dump.bak ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/
# mv ~postgres/pg.dump.bak ${PGDUMP_DIR}/
## another method with gzip directly piped
# cd /var/lib/postgresql
# sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall | gzip > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/pg.dump.bak.gz
# sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall | gzip > ${PGDUMP_DIR}/pg.dump.bak.gz
# cd - > /dev/null
## example with all tables from MYBASE excepts TABLE1 and TABLE2
@ -201,9 +212,10 @@ if [ "${LOCAL_TASKS}" = "1" ]; then
## don't forget to create use with read-only access
## > use admin
## > db.createUser( { user: "mongobackup", pwd: "PASS", roles: [ "backup", ] } )
# test -d ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/mongodump/ && rm -rf ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/mongodump/
# mkdir -p -m 700 ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/mongodump/
# mongodump --quiet -u mongobackup -pPASS -o ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/mongodump/
# test -d ${MONGODUMP_DIR} && rm -rf ${MONGODUMP_DIR}
# mkdir -p -m 700 ${MONGODUMP_DIR}
# mongodump --quiet -u mongobackup -pPASS -o ${MONGODUMP_DIR}/
# if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "Error with mongodump!"
# fi
@ -239,64 +251,64 @@ if [ "${LOCAL_TASKS}" = "1" ]; then
#megacli -CfgSave -f ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/megacli_conf.dump -a0 >/dev/null
## Dump system and kernel versions
uname -a > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/uname
uname -a > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/uname
## Dump network routes with mtr and traceroute (warning: could be long with aggressive firewalls)
for addr in www.evolix.fr travaux.evolix.net; do
mtr -r ${addr} > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/mtr-${addr}
traceroute -n ${addr} > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/traceroute-${addr} 2>&1
mtr -r ${addr} > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/mtr-${addr}
traceroute -n ${addr} > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/traceroute-${addr} 2>&1
## Dump process with ps
ps auwwx >${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/ps.out
ps auwwx >${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/ps.out
if [ "${SYSTEM}" = "linux" ]; then
## Dump network connections with ss
ss -taupen > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/netstat.out
ss -taupen > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/netstat.out
## List Debian packages
dpkg -l > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/packages
dpkg --get-selections > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/packages.getselections
apt-cache dumpavail > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/packages.available
dpkg -l > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/packages
dpkg --get-selections > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/packages.getselections
apt-cache dumpavail > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/packages.available
## Dump MBR / table partitions
disks=$(lsblk -l | grep disk | grep -v drbd | awk '{print $1}')
for disk in ${disks}; do
dd if="/dev/${disk}" of="${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/MBR-${disk}" bs=512 count=1 2>&1 | grep -Ev "(records in|records out|512 bytes)"
fdisk -l "/dev/${disk}" > "${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/partitions-${disk}"
dd if="/dev/${disk}" of="${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/MBR-${disk}" bs=512 count=1 2>&1 | grep -Ev "(records in|records out|512 bytes)"
fdisk -l "/dev/${disk}" > "${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/partitions-${disk}"
cat ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/partitions-* > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/partitions
cat ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/partitions-* > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/partitions
## Dump iptables
if [ -x /sbin/iptables ]; then
{ /sbin/iptables -L -n -v; /sbin/iptables -t filter -L -n -v; } > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/iptables.txt
{ /sbin/iptables -L -n -v; /sbin/iptables -t filter -L -n -v; } > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/iptables.txt
## Dump findmnt(8) output
FINDMNT_BIN=$(command -v findmnt)
if [ -x ${FINDMNT_BIN} ]; then
${FINDMNT_BIN} > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/findmnt.txt
## Dump network connections with netstat
netstat -finet -atn > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/netstat.out
netstat -finet -atn > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/netstat.out
## List OpenBSD packages
pkg_info -m > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/packages
pkg_info -m > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/packages
## Dump MBR / table partitions
##disklabel sd0 > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/partitions
##disklabel sd0 > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/partitions
## Dump pf infos
pfctl -sa |> ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/pfctl-sa.txt
pfctl -sa |> ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/pfctl-sa.txt
## Dump rights
#getfacl -R /var > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/rights-var.txt
#getfacl -R /etc > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/rights-etc.txt
#getfacl -R /usr > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/rights-usr.txt
#getfacl -R /home > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/rights-home.txt
#getfacl -R /var > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/rights-var.txt
#getfacl -R /etc > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/rights-etc.txt
#getfacl -R /usr > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/rights-usr.txt
#getfacl -R /home > ${SYSTEM_BACKUP_DIR}/rights-home.txt
@ -344,39 +356,41 @@ if [ "${SYNC_TASKS}" = "1" ]; then
rsync -avzh --stats --delete --delete-excluded --force --ignore-errors --partial \
--exclude "lost+found" \
--exclude ".nfs.*" \
--exclude "/var/log" \
--exclude "/var/log/evobackup*" \
--exclude "/var/lib/mysql" \
--exclude "/var/lib/postgres" \
--exclude "/var/lib/postgresql" \
--exclude "/var/lib/sympa" \
--exclude "/var/lib/metche" \
--exclude "/var/run" \
--exclude "/var/lock" \
--exclude "/var/state" \
--exclude "dev" \
--exclude "/usr/doc" \
--exclude "/usr/obj" \
--exclude "/usr/share/doc" \
--exclude "/usr/src" \
--exclude "/var/apt" \
--exclude "/var/cache" \
--exclude "/usr/src" \
--exclude "/usr/doc" \
--exclude "/usr/share/doc" \
--exclude "/usr/obj" \
--exclude "dev" \
--exclude "/var/spool/postfix" \
--exclude "/var/lib/amavis/amavisd.sock" \
--exclude "/var/lib/munin/*tmp*" \
--exclude "/var/lib/php5" \
--exclude "/var/spool/squid" \
--exclude "/var/lib/elasticsearch" \
--exclude "/var/lib/amavis/tmp" \
--exclude "/var/lib/clamav/*.tmp" \
--exclude "/home/mysqltmp" \
--exclude "/var/lib/elasticsearch" \
--exclude "/var/lib/metche" \
--exclude "/var/lib/munin/*tmp*" \
--exclude "/var/lib/mysql" \
--exclude "/var/lib/php5" \
--exclude "/var/lib/php/sessions" \
--exclude "/var/lib/postgres" \
--exclude "/var/lib/postgresql" \
--exclude "/var/lib/redis*" \
--exclude "/var/lib/sympa" \
--exclude "/var/lock" \
--exclude "/var/log" \
--exclude "/var/log/evobackup*" \
--exclude "/var/run" \
--exclude "/var/spool/postfix" \
--exclude "/var/spool/squid" \
--exclude "/var/state" \
--exclude "/home/mysqltmp" \
${rep} \
/etc \
/root \
/var \
/home \
/srv \
-e "${RSH_COMMAND}" \
"root@${SSH_SERVER}:/var/backup/" \
| tail -30 >> $LOGFILE