Patrick Marchand cd5b5adce7 Swich source documentation from markdown to mdoc(7)
mdoc(7) is a better format for man(1) pages and the browser viewable
documentation can be generated with mandoc(1)

	mandoc -T markdown bkctld.8

Moves alot of information around, so it was easier to make one large
commit rather than have bits and bobs of information missing in the
various commits.
2018-12-28 22:16:17 -05:00

856 B

Debian Package

The bkctld package can be built from the debian branch of this git repository with git-buildpackage and sbuild.


Install Debian dependencies :

apt install git-buildpackage sbuild

Add your user to sbuild :

sbuild-adduser <username>

You must logout and re-login or use newgrp sbuild in your current shell

You need a schroot definition in /etc/schroot/schroot.conf, eg :

description=Debian sid (unstable)

Build the sbuild chroot :

sbuild-createchroot --include=eatmydata,ccache,gnupg unstable /srv/chroot/sid http://deb.debian.org/debian


You must be in the debian branch :

git checkout debian

Launch git-buildpackage :

gbp buildpackage