2015-09-12 15:32:03 +02:00

5.2 KiB


uvrrpd is a VRRP daemon written in C, providing an full implementation of VRRPv2 (rfc3768) and VRRPv3 (rfc5798), with IPv4 and IPv6 support.

uvrrpd is a project hosted at Evolix's forge

uvrrpd is written for GNU/Linux and use macvlan in order to derivate multiple virtual NICs (virtual VRRP mac) from a single physical NIC.

uvrrpd is a simply a VRRP state machine, and a script (vrrp_switch.sh) is in charge to create or destroy Virtual VRRP interfaces.

uvrrpd is designed to run a single VRRP instance, but you can run multiple instances of uvrrpd, each of them with a different VRRP id, on the same or different physical NIC.

Simple text authentication from deprecated RFC2332 may be used while running uvrrpd in version 2 (rfc3768), but not in version 3 (rfc5798).

It provides a network topology update by sending :

  • an ARP gratuitous packet for each Virtual VRRP IPv4 address specified in the VRRP instance,
  • an NDP neighbour advertisement for each Virtual VRRP IPv6 address.


For now, a dummy Makefile is used to build uvrrpd :

git clone https://forge.evolix.org/uvrrpd.git
cd uvrrpd

That's all. You need the binary uvrrpd and the shell script vrrp_switch.sh to start playing. In the future a more clean way to build && install will be provided.


$ ./uvrrpd -h
Usage: uvrrpd -v vrid -i ifname [OPTIONS] VIP1 [… VIPn]

Mandatory options:
  -v, --vrid vrid           Virtual router identifier
  -i, --interface iface     Interface
  VIP                       Virtual IP(s), 1 to 255 VIPs

Optional arguments:
  -p, --priority prio       Priority of VRRP Instance, (0-255, default 100)
  -t, --time delay          Time interval between advertisements
                            Seconds in VRRPv2 (default 1s),
                            Centiseconds in VRRPv3 (default 100cs)
  -P, --preempt on|off      Switch preempt (default on)
  -r, --rfc version         Specify protocol 'version'
                            2 (VRRPv2, RFC3768) by default,
                            3 (VRRPv3, RFC5798)
  -6, --ipv6                IPv6 support, (only in VRRPv3)
  -a, --auth pass           Simple text password (only in VRRPv2)
  -f, --foreground          Execute uvrrpd in foreground
  -s, --script              Path of hook script (default /etc/uvrrpd/uvrrpd-switch.sh)
  -d, --debug
  -h, --help


  • SIGHUP : force uvrrpd to switch to init state
  • SIGUSR1|SIGUSR2 : dump VRRP instance informations


LOG_DAEMON facility

vrrp_switch.sh maintain a state file of the current instance in /tmp/state.vrrp_${vrid}_${ifname}


uvrrpd must be run as root.

  • Start a VRRP instance on eth0 interface with VRID 42, default priority (100), with vrrp_switch.sh in /usr/share/uvrrpd directory (arbitrary choice).
# ./uvrrpd -v 42 -i eth0 -s /usr/share/uvrrpd/vrrp_switch.sh

In our example, no other VRRP instance, we are the master and we can see the new VRRP interface with the VIP and the virtual VRRP mac address 00:00:5e:00:01:2a :

# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 52:54:00:4f:48:3f  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::5054:ff:fe4f:483f/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:4935 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:3835 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:965166 (942.5 KiB)  TX bytes:613308 (598.9 KiB)

vrrp_eth0_42 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:5e:00:01:2a  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::200:5eff:fe00:12a/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:12 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:3217 (3.1 KiB)  TX bytes:520 (520.0 B)

See logs :

# tail -f /var/log/daemon.log
Sep 12 09:04:55 debian uvrrpd[2966]: vrid 42 :: init
Sep 12 09:04:55 debian uvrrpd[2966]: vrid 42 :: init -> backup
Sep 12 09:04:58 debian uvrrpd[2966]: vrid 42 :: masterdown_timer expired
Sep 12 09:04:58 debian uvrrpd[2966]: vrid 42 :: backup -> master

and /tmp/state.vrrp_42_eth0 :

# cat /tmp/state.vrrp_42_eth0 
state           master
vrid            42
ifname          eth0
priority        100
adv_int         1
naddr           1

You can start an another VRRP instance on another GNU/Linux box or a router with VRRP support, with the same VRID and different priority.

  • uvrrpd support IPv6 (RFC5798) :
#  ./uvrrpd -v 42 -i eth0 -p 90 -6 fe80::fada/64
  • Multiple VIPs could be specified for a single VRRP instance (up to 255 VIPs) :
# ./uvrrpd -v 42 -i eth0


  • clean code...
  • fix bugs
  • make more tests (please help !)
  • autoconf/autohell
  • add features like pidfile, interface monitoring ...
  • init scripts
  • packaging

Any suggestions, ideas, patches or whatever are welcome and will be greatly appreciated !