WIP : Relecture & compléments

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Ludovic Poujol 2017-10-03 12:33:02 +02:00
parent 1158e4f76f
commit ca9e8f1f0e

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $ keepass db.kdb
## kpcli
kpcli est un utilitaire permettant la manipulation de fichier kdb depuis la console. Il couvre toute les fonctions principales utilisables dans le logiciel graphique. Il se comporte comme un mini shell, permettant d'interagir avec le container de mots de passe.
kpcli est un utilitaire permettant la manipulation de fichier kdb depuis la console. Il couvre toute les fonctions principales utilisables dans le logiciel graphique. Il se comporte comme un mini shell, représentant les groupes sous forme d'arboressance de dossier permettant d'interagir facilement avec le container de mots de passe.
### Créer une nouvelle base
@ -65,6 +65,45 @@ KeePass CLI (kpcli) v2.7 is ready for operation.
Type 'help' for a description of available commands.
Type 'help <command>' for details on individual commands.
kpcli:/> help
attach -- Manage attachments: attach <path to entry|entry number>
cd -- Change directory (path to a group)
cl -- Change directory and list entries (cd+ls)
clone -- Clone an entry: clone <path to entry> <path to new entry>
close -- Close the currently opened database
cls -- Clear screen ("clear" command also works)
copy -- Copy an entry: copy <path to entry> <path to new entry>
edit -- Edit an entry: edit <path to entry|entry number>
export -- Export entries to a new KeePass DB (export <file.kdb> [<file.key>])
find -- Finds entries by Title
help -- Print helpful information
history -- Prints the command history
icons -- Change group or entry icons in the database
import -- Import another KeePass DB (import <file.kdb> <path> [<file.key>])
ls -- Lists items in the pwd or a specified path ("dir" also works)
mkdir -- Create a new group (mkdir <group_name>)
mv -- Move an item: mv <path to group|entry> <path to group>
new -- Create a new entry: new <optional path&|title>
open -- Open a KeePass database file (open <file.kdb> [<file.key>])
pwck -- Check password quality: pwck <entry|group>
pwd -- Print the current working directory
quit -- Quit this program (EOF and exit also work)
rename -- Rename a group: rename <path to group>
rm -- Remove an entry: rm <path to entry|entry number>
rmdir -- Delete a group (rmdir <group_name>)
save -- Save the database to disk
saveas -- Save to a specific filename (saveas <file.kdb> [<file.key>])
show -- Show an entry: show [-f] [-a] <entry path|entry number>
stats -- Prints statistics about the open KeePass file
ver -- Print the version of this program
vers -- Same as "ver -v"
xp -- Copy password to clipboard: xp <entry path|number>
xu -- Copy username to clipboard: xu <entry path|number>
xw -- Copy URL (www) to clipboard: xw <entry path|number>
xx -- Clear the clipboard: xx
Type "help <command>" for more detailed help on a command.
kpcli:/> ls
=== Groups ===
@ -72,17 +111,18 @@ Internet/
kpcli:/> cd Internet/
kpcli:/Internet> ls
=== Entries ===
0. foo
kpcli:/Internet> show 0
0. example.com secure.example.com
1. example.net intra.example.net
2. example.org magic.example.org
kpcli:/Internet> show 2
Path: /Internet
Title: foo
Uname: foo
Title: example.org
Uname: baz
URL: https://secure.example.com/
URL: magic.example.net
Notes: Tarpin secure thing
kpcli:/Internet> exit
Note : le champ "Pass" est invisible mais l'on peut le copier/coller avec la souris.
@ -101,3 +141,5 @@ Notes/Comments (""):
Database was modified. Do you want to save it now? [y/N]:
Saved to /home/evolix/partage/private/evolix.shared.kdb
### Modifier une entrée